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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:20:07 +0000

Post From: Ma crossover alert with downtrending condition for at least 30 bars.

[2024-07-23 16:28:43]
User409381 - Posts: 2

Im trying to get an alert on MA crossover but with a condition, and then send it to telegram bot.

MA 7 is Avg1(SG1)
MA 35 is Avg2(SG2)
Cross from bottom is (SG3)

My condition : SG2 is in downtrending for a least 30 bars(30 min in that case), and only if it has been the case (ignore every other crossing), get an alert on next cross over from SG1 from bottom----> get SG3 (point, star...)

Next : send an alert to telegram bot.

Thank you
imageMA crossover.png / V - Attached On 2024-07-23 16:26:58 UTC - Size: 18.61 KB - 27 views