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Date/Time: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 08:41:57 +0000

Post From: Rithmic delays first hour of everyday, 1 year straight.

[2024-07-18 23:46:06]
HeyUgly - Posts: 243
guys how can I fix this , or is this a rithmic issue.

I KNOW, use denali, but its not an option at this time. Soon, yes. For now, I can't.

Every single day as soon as we open the live data cannot keep up. I use the sierra charts countdown timer and run it beside my PC clock to the second.

I know I'm delayed. I disconnect-reconnect. My countdown timer on sierra jumps ahead 45 seconds, sometimes 1min, I try disconnecting-reconnecting ... same issue. Happens every morning until the first hour is basically over.

Is there ANYTHING i can check on my end to try to make this crap connection any more reliable during the balance session? I will soon switch over to denali, but I cant right now. This has been going on for almost a year, Every day!!! I am a very well versed Sierra user, and unfort these guys cannot give me any answers at support with rithmic, just

"Is rtrader pro delayed?"

What I have tested on my end is running the same data feed on a different trading platform and is pretty bang on, no issues. Is there ANY sierra settings I am not paying attention to? I am guessing this is a rithmic to sierra issue on their end??