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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:39:15 +0000

Post From: How to Rollover only 1 chart in a chartbook

[2024-07-17 18:50:19]
User677437 - Posts: 22
So I have multi timeframe ES and NQ charts, and so when it's time to rollover based on volume, yellow box comes up, I rollover the date, and it does that for all of the related charts on ES. And there is no problem with that for indices. And none of those ES or NQ charts are linked to other ES or NQ charts.

I'm just going to have to not use the roll back or roll forward within the drop down menu chart > Perform futures rollover, because it will roll, all my multi timeframe / market profiles for crude to one singular expiry, when I'm trying to have 2, maybe 3 different contracts with different expiration dates.

I'd like to ask a different question. Does SC have charts or spreads for Contango and Backwardation ?

Right now my ideas are to just use the Study/price overlay on a singular chart and see what I can finesse together.