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Date/Time: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 01:51:44 +0000

Post From: No connection to data - Reconnect Wait

[2024-07-16 21:47:06]
User869453 - Posts: 13
I downloaded the new RithmicConnections.json file and saveit in Sierra folder, now the rithmic servers shows up but still cannot connect

2024-07-16 17:46:37.277 | Software version: 2657 64-bit
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | OpenGL enabled (NVIDIA Corporation/NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1650/PCIe/SSE2)
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | Primary Thread ID: 6540
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | Usage end date: 2024-07-18
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | Enabled for: Advanced Features 2.
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | Enabled for: Sierra Chart Historical Data Service.
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | Enabled for: Denali Real-Time Exchange Data Feed.
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | Enabled for: Delayed Denali Exchange Data Feed.
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | Enabled for exchange2: CME
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | Enabled for exchange2: NYMEX
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | Allow Support for Sierra Chart Data Feeds is enabled.
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | Current selected Data/Trading service: Rithmic Direct - DTC
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | Custom symbol settings values: disabled
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | Chart Update Interval: 100
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | Intraday Data Storage Time Unit: 0
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | Time Zone: -04:00:00 (EST-05EDT+01,M3.2.0/02:00,M11.1.0/02:00)
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | 2024-07-16 21:46:37 Local computer time in UTC
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | 2024-07-16 17:46:37 Local computer time in SC Time Zone
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | 2024-07-16 21:34:33 Server time in UTC
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | Local computer UTC time and Server UTC time difference: 2 seconds.
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | Program path: C:\SierraChart\
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | Data Files path: C:\SierraChart\Data\
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | OS Version Number: 10.0
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | Locale Setting: C
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | DLLs: gcUserStudies_2500_64.dll, sst_ateam_2273_64.dll, sst_ateam_2500_64.dll, sst_ateam_2523_64.dll, sst_ateam_64.dll, SST_ATEAM_RX_64.dll, sst_AutoTradingOnSignal_64.dll, sst_FreeBundle_2273_64.dll, sst_FreeBundle_64.dll, sst_pulling_stacking_2217_64.dll, sst_pulling_stacking_64.dll, SST_Signal_64.dll, TL_PSBS_64.dll, TWFX_FREE_2484_64.dll, TWFX_FREE_64.dll, TWFX_FREE_SWS_2484_64.dll, TWFX_FREE_SWS_64.dll, TWFX_FREE_ZZS_2484_64.dll, TWFX_FREE_ZZS_64.dll, UserContributedStudies_64.dll
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | Allowed protected custom studies: SST_ATEAM, SST_FreeBundle, TWFX_Free
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | Crash reporter started: true
2024-07-16 17:46:37.278 | | Number times message added: 1
2024-07-16 17:46:39.362 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | Using server connection: Rithmic Paper Trading-Chicago Area-Aggregated
2024-07-16 17:46:39.362 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | Trading server address/port: rsc.rithmic.com:50500
2024-07-16 17:46:39.362 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | Connecting to the server rsc.rithmic.com. Port 50500
2024-07-16 17:46:39.362 | DTC Client socket (1) | Creating socket. Using TLS 1.2.
2024-07-16 17:46:39.362 | DTC Client socket (1) | New receive buffer size: 0
2024-07-16 17:46:39.362 | DTC Client socket (1) | Connecting to IP:
2024-07-16 17:46:42.215 | DTC Client socket (1) | Connect event error. Windows error code 10061: No se puede establecer una conexión ya que el equipo de destino denegó expresamente dicha conexión. *
2024-07-16 17:46:42.215 | DTC Client socket (1) | CloseSocket call.
2024-07-16 17:46:42.216 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | Failed connections: 8
2024-07-16 17:46:42.216 | DTC Client socket (1) | Closed.
2024-07-16 17:46:42.216 | Error connecting to Data or Trading service. For help with this issue, press the 'Send For Analysis' button on this window.
2024-07-16 17:46:42.216 | Select 'File >> Disconnect' to prevent further connection attempts.
2024-07-16 17:46:42.221 | DTC Client socket (0) | CloseSocket call.
2024-07-16 17:46:42.221 | Rithmic Direct - DTC | Disconnected.
2024-07-16 17:46:42.221 | Will reconnect to the server in 4.0 seconds. Select 'File >> Disconnect' to prevent further connection attempts.