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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:18:33 +0000

Post From: Vertical plus minus subgraph offset from 0 to 50

[2024-07-16 18:30:06]
User43 - Posts: 101
Looks like I did not miss an existing feature in Sierra Chart.

I already wrote an acsil study for it but it requires several subgraphs to get the desired result.

1st Draw style Bar: to graph all values above 50.
2nd Draw style Bar: to graph the down colored bars below 50 which is just bars with a value of 50.
3rd Draw style Fill Rect Bot: to mask the bars in the second step with the background color. Using the original difference capped at 50.
Doable but messy and inefficient.

I was hoping this could be added as a feature to the Subgraph properties
Currently when a sub graph uses the autocolor +/- it works on a zero base.
Would be great to have the option to enter the base for the +/- auto color.
Values above the Base to be drawn in primary color, values below in secondary color.

Anyhow thanks for your feedback.