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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 20:09:13 +0000

Post From: Questions about sub-instances and Denali data

[2024-07-15 10:43:38]
gambcl - Posts: 5

I’m just getting started with Sierra, have read many pages about Denali and sub-instances but still have some questions.

I have package 11 and Denali subscription for full CME package and a live EdgeClear account to qualify for non-pro data.

From reading the docs I understand that if I setup my EdgeClear account with Teton order routing then I do NOT need to login to EdgeClear once a month to re-qualify my non-pro status.

I also understand that I can share my Denali data with up to 3 instances of Sierra on the same machine.

Am I correct so far?

My questions are about these sub-instances.

Do I need to keep one of my Sierra instances running & connected to my EdgeClear/Teton account in order to keep my Denali non-pro data access? Or is simply setting up the Teton mapping on EdgeClear’s side enough?

Basically I would like to use my shared 3 Denali connections for trading prop firms, and not trade my EdgeClear account just yet.
I just wasn’t sure if I had to use one of my 3 active Denali connections purely for EdgeClear.

So, once I have setup an instance for EdgeClear/Teton and confirmed the data connection is working real-time, can I shutdown that instance and then start 3 Sierra instances all sharing the Denali data?

For example, something like this…

Create a main instance to confirm EdgeClear/Teton is working, then shutdown this instance:
- EdgeClear/Teton (main instance - SHUTDOWN)

Now create another main instance for Apex prop firm, and then 2 sub-instances for other prop firms (all using Rithmic for trading, and Denali for data):
- Apex (main instance - RUNNING)
- MyFundedFutures (sub-instance #2 - RUNNING)
- TopStep (sub-instance #3 - RUNNING)

I hope that makes sense, is this possible?

Also, is it possible to increase this limit of 3 active shared Denali connections on the same machine, or I guess I can just shutdown one sub-instance and start another if I add more firms? It only counts current active connections correct?

Thanks for any insight on this.