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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:13:56 +0000

Post From: buying selling, shorting longing

[2024-06-28 18:20:12]
SafSaf - Posts: 80
i knew i'd confuse you...

ok, lets say there's a long green bar and it looks as if it's hit the higher high of the session. when you look at the foot print for that bar, sometimes there are a high volume of green buying going on mixed in with the red selling. it's logical that the seller are selling but why are there so many green positions too. it's obviously not trader buying longs so i'm presuming the shorts are being represented by the green buying. is that correct in your opinion?

the same goes for the lowest low of a candle, sometime there is an overwhelming amount of green activity so i'm thinking that's the shorts getting out of their positions right?

i'd love to know if there is an indicator ora value i can add to my charts that also shows the volume of people shorting at the top and selling the shorts at the bottom in stead of entering a fresh long