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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:19:55 +0000

Post From: Heatmap Improvements to be closer to Bookmap

[2024-06-27 17:26:46]
User566250 - Posts: 37
Hello SC support team. I have been trying to get my Market Depth for US equities as close to Bookmap heatmap feature as possible. I am success with individual stocks using the "Combine increment in Ticks" and "Automatic Combine Increment Adjust Value" features, but unless I set up the Automatic Combine Increment Adjustment Value separately for each stock, the results will be good for one stock but completely useless for another stock with a different price (Ex. the increment for a $150 stock will result in terrible looking heatmap for a $800 stock). Is there a way to do the Automatic Combine increment using percentage values rather than tick value? I assume that should solve this problem. Please let me know if that is possible, or there is a work around for this. Thank you