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Date/Time: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 09:15:06 +0000

Post From: VS2022: Pre/Post Build Events DLL Issue

[2024-06-24 16:00:31]
ondafringe - Posts: 277
And I know very little! lol

For the past five years, like you, I've also been using Analysis>Build Custom Studies DLL and it has worked fine for me, as well. I've used VS many, many years ago on projects unrelated to SC and just wanted to look into an alternative approach. So far it hasn't worked out and I have moved back to building from within SC.

However, unfortunately, that short detour with VS has introduced another problem: I can no longer build a debug version from within SC. It will build a release version, but not a debug version. Or it is building a debug version, but my breakpoints aren't breaking code execution. Weird. Not sure what's going on, either the attachment process isn't working, or what? I D/L'ed the current version of SC, and shutdown and restarted VS, but that didn't help. Without a debug version, I'm in trouble.

As far as what additional benefits VS brings to the table, not sure about this, but I think a more lengthy and complicated study would benefit from the ability to add class objects, structures, etc. in order to more compartmentalize and streamline your code. But don't quote me on that. :)
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-06-24 20:52:35