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Date/Time: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 09:16:01 +0000

Post From: VS2022: Pre/Post Build Events DLL Issue

[2024-06-24 14:38:42]
ForgivingComputers.com - Posts: 947
If worse comes to worse, I'll just have to go back to building from inside SC.

I don't think I can help you. You know way more about VS and Powershell than I do.

I have always built from the Analysis>>Build Custom Studies menu. My most frequent error is forgetting to stop debugging before building a new version. Learning what I need to know to create custom studies I have gotten used to doing things one way. For example, I don't understand why I would want to use Projects and Solutions in VS. I have always gotten by with just editing CPP files and saving in VS, then building in Sierra Chart. I know there are way more features of VS than I use. My focus has been editing, debugging, and version control with Git in VS. That was a big step up from debugging with Notepad++ and "print" statements using sc.AddMessageToLog.

If using Projects, Solutions, and Build from within VS is beneficial, I would love to hear some of the benefits. What works for me is "good enough", but I am always interested in "more better".