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Date/Time: Sat, 21 Dec 2024 14:19:27 +0000

Post From: Study Numbers Bars Old: Alert only, if the volume at certain price (Bid or Ask) exceeds value

[2014-07-24 23:18:21]
User82828 - Posts: 44
I am pleased to hear that support will be added to the volume alert at a certain price. Very important is, that 2 alarms can be set: one for the bid and one for the ask volume .

So I understand your example "VAP [100] [0]" as a Volume Alert on Price (one for the bid and one for the ask), if a bid volume of 100 is reached. The "[0]" indicates, that there is no alarm set for the ask price.

My example "VAP [100] [150]" would therefore mean, that an alarm is given, as soon as a bid volume of 100 OR an ask volume of 150 (at one certain Price level e.g. 9000) is reached. Did I explain all details corectly?

Can you tell us, how long it would take, until this alarm is available in the numbers bars old study?

Will it be written here in this section?