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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:34:05 +0000

Post From: NVDA high of 6/10/24 for DAILY chart is incorrect (showing high of $195.95)

[2024-06-18 02:05:40]
Agent Orange - Posts: 39
---> We did find the problem now with the new search tool we developed.

Great. Just so you know, this is precisely what I was referring to when I said "I am CERTAIN that if you put one of your senior programmers on the task of writing a utility to track down and correct such REPORTED [emphasis added now] data errors, it will prove a trivial matter".

I'm sure I wasn't the only person to point out the problem with the NVDA data and you had already established that it was wrong, so I just meant it's trivial to write a search/replace script or stream filter to find the bad data records once an error of this type has been identified.

Years ago I wrote a program to trim older data from .scid files, so I know what's involved. If that weren't an easy task for you guys, you would never have been able to create your product in the first place.

As for bad data coming from the exchanges, it not only happens, I'm fairly convinced that it's deliberate at times. As long as it doesn't happen a lot*, I'd be perfectly happy to edit my local copy of the data file (NVDA.DLY in this case) assuming SC doesn't automatically re-download the bad data after I edit it, but I thought I saw such an automatic re-download happening today.

* The only time I can remember your data being messed up on a wholesale basis was back on 11/14/23 as I reported at the time:
Strange data now streaming on some US equity symbols

I know how hard it can be to field software support requests, so I know it can wear you down, but try not to forget that your customers are not all ignoramuses. End of sermon.