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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:28:15 +0000

Post From: NVDA high of 6/10/24 for DAILY chart is incorrect (showing high of $195.95)

[2024-06-17 21:07:47]
Agent Orange - Posts: 39
--->This is an error from the exchanges.

Understood. However, several other sources (for example, IB, barchart.com, and YAHOO!, all of which I would generally consider less robust than SC) are not showing that erroneous daily bar.

Given that the June Nasdaq 100 futures, heading for settlement, were shoved to 20,001.00 today and that NVDA has been among the handful of stocks leading the [irrationally exuberant?] charge, I would think you guys would want your data to be correct.

If there's a way to prevent SC from reloading the errant data after I manually edit the file (NVDA.DLY in this case), please tell me what it is. If that capability doesn't currently exist, perhaps it would be worthwhile implementing it if correcting the data on your server(s) is as difficult as you indicate.

I'm only taking the time to write to you about this because I'm among your biggest fans and therefore probably one of your longest term customers. You've got the best charting software, and you've gone into the business of selling data, so your data should be accurate, and blaming it on the exchange when even YAHOO! (of all the rinky-dink places) has managed to correct the data mistakenly makes SC look kind of amateurish (which is not a great look for an otherwise professional organization).

Final thought on this: I speak as a systems programmer with 40 years experience, and I am CERTAIN that if you put one of your senior programmers on the task of writing a utility to track down and correct such reported data errors, it will prove a trivial matter.