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Date/Time: Fri, 18 Oct 2024 08:31:36 +0000

Post From: sc.GetLineNumberOfSelectedUserDrawnDrawing() works but not for drawing from other chart.

[2024-06-17 20:00:24]
User629079 - Posts: 7
Hello, SierraChart works Great! :-)

To the meritum.

Using ACSIL, I want to modify currently selected user drawn drawing in currently active chart window.
I know that there is a function sc.GetLineNumberOfSelectedUserDrawnDrawing() but it works in limited way.
eg.: if I have selected user drawn drawing in chart#3 but this drawing comes from chart#2 (because of setting "Copy chart Drawings From Chart #'s") then function sc.GetLineNumberOfSelectedUserDrawnDrawing() returns zero. So, it doesn't help.

Solution 1:
Could You add variables:
as a members to the structure of sc.

With help of sc.ChartWindowIsActive (already implemented) It would make possible to properly point and then modify selected user drawn drawing which is a copy drawing from other chart.

Solution 2:
Could You add function:
sc.GetSelectedUserDrawnDrawing(int ChartNumber, s_UseTool& ChartDrawing); which will first check if in the Chart ChartNumber is any user drawn drawing selected, regardless if that drawing comes from this Chart or from any other Chart. If there is any selected user drawn drawing, then fulfill s_UseTool& ChartDrawing
sc.GetSelectedUserDrawnDrawing(s_UseTool& ChartDrawing);

Thank You.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-06-17 20:09:48