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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 20:00:03 +0000

Post From: charts in CBOT grains changing overnight

[2024-06-15 15:42:45]
User849502 - Posts: 316
John, there is something very odd happening with my cbot corn and bean charts, and I have timestamped proof to show you. I just started charting them and created a chartbook. On Thursday I noticed everything looked totally different from the day before. Pocs moved, highs and lows moved, and I thought I was going crazy. I fixed everything and took a screenshot-clearly dated in the first attached file. I have taken that saved screenshot and opened it directly under the tpo as it appears now on Sat afternoon. Look at the 5th of June. On the saved screenshot from 13th, it is clearly 453.75, and the volume poc that day is highlighted with a pink horizontal line. Now look above at what I opened this morning. TOTALLY different chart. The low on the 5th is now 456, and the volume poc has equally jumped up. I DID NOTHING from last night and closing down my SC, to this morning restarting SC. Nothing.

For further proof, late yesterday afternoon I sent a friend a screenshot of my 60-minute charts in corn and beans on Discord which is attachment 2 showing my conversation with her and the charts. Attach 3 is that saved file image below what I now see on my screen. The charts are utterly different as you can see. Have you any idea what is happening now twice? How in the world does everything about the structure of the charts change when I did nothing but close down SC for the night and reopen it in the morning? I changed nothing and touched no settings. I haven't a clue now what is any legit high or low. And soybeans are exactly the same. I don't need to send you those too, but charts all different highs, lows, structure...

Please can you help me? Again, I have done nothing to the settings. Only closed it down with charts looking one way, and when I reopened they are nothing like what they were the day before. I have never ever seen this.
imageScreenshot 2024-06-15 154840different.png / V - Attached On 2024-06-15 15:25:30 UTC - Size: 699.32 KB - 45 views
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