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Date/Time: Mon, 16 Sep 2024 19:16:00 +0000

Post From: MESM24-CME fails symbol translate switching between IB [Trading] > SC Data

[2024-06-10 11:55:04]
User456039 - Posts: 4
I added a chart for MESM24-CME using SC DATA ; the chart downloads, displays [M]

Swap to Interactive Broker Data for trading > Symbol translates to MES-202406-CME-USD ; chart redownloads & displays[M]

But, if I swap back to SC DATA > Symbol stays stuck as MES-202406-CME-USD with no [M] displayed and no more data (if I manually update the symbol back to MESM24-CME, then it works with live data [M], but I lose all drawings, etc).

The above process works without problems for other symbols, e.g. YMM24-CBOT, 6BM24-CME, MYMM24-CBOT and even ESM24-CME >
For example MYMM24-CBOT > MYM-202406-CBOT-USD > MYMM24-CBOT or ESM24-CME > ES-202406-CME > ESM24-CME
I can swap back and forth between SC DATA and IB, and all charts translate their symbols, keep live data, display [M], and keep drawings, show IB trade fills when connected to IB data, and dont show IB fills when connected to SC DATA - it all works perfectly.

I tried deleting all my MES charts in the data folder and adding them agin within Sierra Charts through symbols while connected to SC DATA, but as soon as I go to IB data and then back to SC data, I get the same problem.

It only applies to MES, and the problem is replicated in other contract months.

Am I doing something wrong, or do I have some simple setting somewhere wrong that is triggering this problem with MES charts?
Is there anything else I can provide to help diagnose the problem?