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Date/Time: Wed, 03 Jul 2024 02:25:31 +0000

Post From: How to measure current Trade time Duration via simple alert formula?

[2024-05-31 12:39:34]
TraderBiku - Posts: 28
Hello, I am trying to do something similar to what you proposed Sawtooth, trying to flatten a position after X amount of time in Spreadsheets - however, when I subtract J41-J42, I get a very small fractional value, which if I multiply it by 100000, gives me something like a seconds timer, but isn't actually the same as seconds (ie it runs faster than clock time). It does appear to run at a consistent interval though, so perhaps this is enough for my needs - but it does seem a bit strange :)

Is there something funky happening because the date and time are combined together in J41/J42? Is there a way (or a need) to isolate just the time component of what's in those cells? Thanks very much!