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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 02:08:37 +0000

Post From: Interactive Brokers - SC with multiple instances

[2024-05-21 21:14:21]
John - SC Support - Posts: 34254
You do not need to worry about setting anything up in the Sub-Instance. Sub-Instances (when started with "File >> New Instance") automatically are set to connect to the main instance and route orders and data through there.

The most likely situation for what you are stating is that your Sub-Instance has the option for "Trade Simulation Mode On" enabled. In this case, the sub-instance is in simulation mode and is not connected to the trading service. Make sure this option is not enabled. Also make sure other items like "Trading Locked" is not enabled and that you have the Chart set in "Chart Trade Mode On" in order to be able to view the orders.
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing