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Date/Time: Sat, 18 May 2024 21:54:46 +0000

Post From: Data at session start/volatility display issues - long standing, only realizing this now.

[2024-04-21 17:13:14]
User803914 - Posts: 4
Noted, thank you

A question to your timezone note: If I look at an 830CST session time which is obviously 930EST. Would you suggest making the timezones of a chartbook all the exact same if someone hasn't done so already and simply modifying the session start/end for the equivalent times. In other words is it pointless or detrimental to have a couple of referenced timezones in the same book even if its for organizational purpose?

To the original post regarding the issue of delay/missing information etc:
What additional things could I explore if hypothetically speaking I was connected to SC data as a standalone and this was happening?

Sincere thanks