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Date/Time: Tue, 18 Feb 2025 22:18:27 +0000

Post From: Spread Sheet formulas

[2024-03-13 21:33:54]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38029
Sierra Chart Spreadsheets do not have the ability to compare a range of data in the way you are wanting. What we would recommend would be to add a column that does the comparison and gives you a true/false (1/0) answer for each row. Then if you know the range of the data, do a sum over that range and see if it adds up to the range amount, if not then there is at least one value that does not meet the criteria.

As to using a value from another cell, you can use the "INDIRECT()" function to get the value of that cell. You would then have to use this in your formulas to get the rest of the data as you want.
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