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Date/Time: Mon, 25 Nov 2024 12:44:30 +0000

Post From: Spreadsheet System for Trading not Applying to chart

[2024-03-05 18:06:03]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36238
You have to be careful with the name of the spreadsheet itself as well as the name of the sheets that you are using. In particular, you need to pay attention to the Inputs for the spreadsheet related to the sheet name that is used. Refer to the following and the 2 items below it:
Spreadsheet Study Inputs: Chart Data Output Specification Type

Also refer to the following regarding the Spreadsheet Name:
Chart Studies: Settings and Inputs Tab >> Spreadsheet Name / DLL File and Function Name

If you kept the defaults for this, then when you duplicated the chart, the new chart would use its own sheet number for the spreadsheet. In which case, there would not be any formulas setup for that sheet, unless you were using a separate formula sheet.

To try and resolve this, on the 1 minute chart, check how you defined the sheet for that chart and then go to that sheet in your spreadsheet and see if it is still correct and working as you expect. If it is, then you are fine with that chart. You should probably remove the Spreadsheet Study from the 5 minute chart to ensure that it is still not causing issues.

If you continue to have an issue, then you would want to see if you can recover the spreadsheet from the Backups that are made. Refer to the following:
Working with Spreadsheets: Accessing a Backup Spreadsheet File
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