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Date/Time: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 01:14:29 +0000

Post From: How many real-time Symbols allowed in SC Real-Time Service..?

[2014-07-08 08:54:09]
Trint - Posts: 113
Hello SC,

How many Symbols are clients allowed to have open at any one time when using SC Real-Time Services..? Is there a daily download limit..? (Can't seem to find any detail in documentation about it or any previous forum post about limits). I'd like to keep well within the acceptable limits and only have a select number of currency crosses open at a time.

It's just that I've noticed currency cross 'unavailable' messages this morning after adding Currency Indices (USD-X etc...) to my Quoteboard. I also have a seperate Historical Sierra Chart copy open and unexpectedly notice realtime updates with the currency indices in that copy so I'm not sure if you're currently experiencing server issues OR it's my new setup OR if I have gone over my limit (relativley small number of crosses listed really).


Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-07-08 08:55:13