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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:24:01 +0000

Post From: ACSIL How to identify a study?

[2024-01-28 15:12:09]
User43 - Posts: 101
Based on the type of a study different actions are to be taken.
Therefore I'm looking to identify a study.
Outside of ACSIL in the "Studies to Graph" panel I can see the short name, the original name, as well as the S_ID.

But inside ACSIL so far I figured only out how to get the short name, which does not tell me which study I found.
This is important to know when planning to make adjustments via ACSIL to the study inputs.

Either options (Type: 1=short, 2=orig, 3=s_id) for the existing functions to allow which name to deliver are needed,

sc.GetStudyName(int StudyIndex, int Type)
sc.GetStudyNameFromChart(int ChartNumber, int StudyID, int Type)
sc.GetStudyNameUsingID(unsigned int StudyID, int Type)
sc.GetStudyInternalIdentifier(int ChartNumber, int StudyID, int Type, SCString& r_StudyName)

or new functions specific to the request

sc.GetStudyName() // for the original name
sc.GetStudyShortName() // for the short name
sc.GetStudySID() // for the S_ID

Please advise, Thanks