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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:16:23 +0000

Post From: Sierra Chart Jobs: C++ Programming | Hardware Systems Admin | Web Services Dev | Documentation

[2024-01-25 10:31:09]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 16292
We also want to describe, why we specify the the senior engineer and leadership, has a strong independent/libertarian/conservative (not in a political sense, we want to make that clear because, we are not trying to promote political values)/traditional values. And believes very much in decentralization of power and authority to the individual and local communities versus the state, and super states. Although in the US, decentralization away from the federal government towards the states is absolutely essential at this point in time.

Here is a definition of conservative:
adjective Favoring traditional views and values; tending to oppose change.
adjective Traditional or restrained in style.
adjective Moderate; cautious.

So as you can see, looking at Sierra Chart, it fits with this.

The reason this is relevant is because it directly relates to programming philosophies. We will give two examples of this. More could be given but we will just leave it at two:

Many years ago we created our own file Open and Save dialog which you can see through File >> New/Open Historical/Intraday Chart. This is a very high-performance interface for looking at the files for opening a file or saving a file. It can easily handle 1,000,000 files and literally in our server environments in the case of processing options feeds, we do often look at 1,000,000+ files.

The Microsoft version of this, is absolutely hideously/heinously inefficient. It is very sluggish and slow, and provides way too much functionality, and is sloppy. There is no way in hell it could handle 1,000,000 files. It simply will never open and will freeze the program.

Same thing with File Explorer. When performing operations on many tens of thousands of files, or hundreds of thousands of files. The operation will never complete. Compare this to performing the same operation through our Sierra Chart program code, the operation will be done in a matter of seconds. So seconds versus, hours and a never ending operation with File Explorer which maxes out a CPU core endlessly.

One of the developer says we should not create our own file open/save dialog because it then creates an inconsistency with Sierra Chart as compared to other programs or what users are used to in the operating system. This is not valid because what Microsoft is providing is simply just unacceptable and does not work. And also does not work well with what we want to do. For example, if you typed into the file name box in a Microsoft open file dialog ESM24.scid and that file did not exist, it would give you an error when you try to open it. If you remove the extension, you then could proceed by pressing the Open button and then Sierra Chart will create the file.

Another example, was we had specified for one of the programmers to create pop-up text, when hovering over a control bar button. Initially they used MFC functionality for this. We said no. This must be done ourselves with our own window controlled by a timer. So the pop-up text you see, when hovering over control bar is fully developed by us.

So you can see, we always do things ourselves, and with complete independence as much as possible from the operating system. Not relying on others, but relying upon ourselves.

This is why we also want to develop an operating system.

And another thing is that some software is becoming absurdly deranged and being botched and becoming woke, and being imposed upon the world, that when we see something in software that is just so wrong we refer to it as "crimes against humanity". In many areas of software development there is no progress. There is a race to the bottom.

And there is no reason, to disbelieve anything we are saying. The world is breaking down. Nothing is trustworthy anymore. And we are going to continue to see massive deterioration which is going to endanger all of us. This is coming. So in other words, all of the absurdities and nonsense and wokeness that we see, leading towards the destruction of life as we know it.

Take for example the Texas governor. Has now declared an invasion on the southern border. With the US federal government the enemy and facilitating this.

We will maintain an opposite position with stability, good values and common sense.


We also want to briefly mention a side project we worked on, by researching this so-called "climate change" allegedly related to man's activities on the planet. And we have written an extensive article on it that we want to eventually put out. What we determined, this is all based on absolute fact, is that CO2 and methane, are overwhelmingly, naturally emitted, and not from man. Man only contributes about 3% of CO2 to the atmosphere. Similarly with methane. Although the percentages are different but we are not sure what those are for methane, we would have to check.

Just due to basic planetary physics, and inherent cooling of the planet due to winter/fall and night there cannot possibly be a global warming condition from tiny trace gases which are not a source of heat.

So all this man-made climate allegations proposals and research, has no validity whatsoever. And we have looked at some of this kind of research and they really go to extremes, to provably false nonsense to try to prove their point. Essentially what is going on, is that there are people in the "scientific", fields taking money from governments (a form of welfare), and trying to prove man-made global warming, to support those people who are paying them, governments and governmental type organizations like the UN intergovernmental panel on climate change, who have the intention of simply dominating and controlling humanity. This is all. It is all very fraudulent.

The weather on the planet is 100% driven by the sun and also the moon simply due to the heat energy of the sun (both from the photons in the infrared and visible range) and the gravitational pull of the moon. Certainly different areas of the planet and terrain of the planet contributes to different climate zones and temperature and wind profiles but the weather is simply created by the sun and also the moon due to its gravitational pull on the atmosphere.

And based upon what we have read, we are in a period, of higher solar irradiance. So if there is some warming, it fits with the activity of the sun.

It only makes sense over long spans of time, that there is going to be variations in climate. That is expected. It is just a matter of adapting to the extent necessary. There is no way, man is going to change this. It is out of our control. That is why, the communists, and the socialists and the world government people, want to fault CO2 and methane from man because they then have an excuse to control people rather than faulting the sun because none of us can possibly control the sun. But yet it is the sun and only the sun, which creates weather/climate/heat (other than heat emissions from the planet like volcanoes and other geothermal emissions) on this planet and warms this planet.

And we will give a hint, at one of the key things in the research we have done which is not widely known. There is research done, which shows the temperature range between the high temperature of the day, and the low temperature, before sunrise has gradually been increasing since about 1980. This is more noticeable in Europe versus North America. But then again the temperature data it is based upon is not entirely reliable either.

The main point of this is, is that there is successful cooling, from whatever warming there is in the day. So whatever temperature gains there are during the day, at night that heat is lost. That is a normal process. The heat is simply lost to the deep cold of outer space. There cannot possibly be a global warming condition due to tiny trace gases of CO2 and methane in the atmosphere.

And there is no reason to disbelieve anything we are saying. There are very qualified people, who say the same thing. Tucker Carlson did an interview with Dr. Willie Soon recently , who is essentially saying everything that we are saying. Their website:

This website it does not have the information we are talking about, but it just shows the website of the doctor. We will post that interview with the doctor.

And another thing, if there is higher temperatures on the moon, even slightly, now versus many decades ago, then that is also very hard evidence, of increased heat energy from the sun. The most recent mission of the Indians to one of the polar regions on the moon with their probe, has shown much higher temperatures than expected in the polar region.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-01-27 21:47:53