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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:28:00 +0000

Post From: Is there a max number of Chartbooks/Charts that can be opened? System crashes or loads blanks.

[2024-01-07 21:42:16]
User740504 - Posts: 97
I created one chartbook for each product available to me (around 50). Each chartbook holds three charts.
Each chartbook is identical to every other with the exception that the symbol is different. Same studies and number of charts; different products.

I have chosen to have each chartbook opened on Sierra Chart startup, grouped by exchange.

Sometimes the program crashes and does not load. I have to restart SC. The odds of opening successfully are around 50%.
If SC loads successfully (after around 10-15 seconds), only about 20 chartbooks (with all associated charts within those chartbooks) load. The other 30 are blank chartbooks without their corresponding charts. There are no tabs at the bottom to signify charts being loaded. The order I specified the chartbooks to open in is correct, however.

If I close one of the open chartbooks that have charts within it, then open another chartbook, that chartbook opens fully.
If I close one of the blank chartbooks that has nothing in it, then open another chartbook, a blank chartbook opens.
If I close all blank chartbooks (around 30) then try to open another chartbook, a blank chartbook opens.

It seems as if I'm capped on the number of charts I can open. If I try to exceed that number a chartbook with the correct name but nothing in it will open.

If I close everything, then try to open all with "Multiple Selection", I get the same problem. 30 out of the 50 are blank while the other 20 are fine. I do not think this is a startup issue.

Am I maxing the limit of chartbooks I'm allowed to open? System specs are fine. SC running under 15% CPU, using less than 800MB of RAM.


Edit: I have been messing around with it and it seems that the max number of charts I can load is 60. I'm now getting chartbooks opening with 2 charts instead of the intended 3, if I mess with the number of charts the other chartbooks have.

Are we capped at 60 open charts across all chartbooks?
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-01-07 22:15:41