Support Board
Date/Time: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 06:34:00 +0000
Post From: ASCIL: Find all chart numbers in a Chartbook
[2024-01-05 08:02:00] |
User431178 - Posts: 541 |
it would cause an extra iteration which could cause undefined behavior where an invalid chart number is passed in to another function.
I highly doubt any of the built-in functions would cause undefined behavior if passed a non-existent chart number. If it is your own function causing undefined behavior then that would be on you to figure out. There is already a function to check if a chart number exists in a given chart book - sc.IsChartNumberExist() What could solve this is if the chart numbers would automatically adjust themselves whenever a chart is removed from the chartbook.
Automatically break any chart references and linked drawings any time you delete a chart, that sounds like a really great idea...