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Date/Time: Tue, 26 Nov 2024 20:27:54 +0000

Post From: study collection doesn't work

[2023-10-25 18:06:40]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36307
Study Collections work on a single chart - whichever chart is currently active at the time the Study Collection is selected.

The only way that a study would be added to a different chart would be if you have a Custom Study that is setup specifically to do this.

Also, in terms of the studies working on different charts, any study should work on any chart, within reasonable limits. Such as the Numbers Bars study requires that the chart have 1 tick Intraday Data, so if you try to add it to a Daily Chart - it will not work properly. But any restriction is the limit of the study itself and has nothing to do with Study Collections.

Additionally, when you add a Study Collection to a chart, even if the study does not work properly (for whatever reason) the study itself is still added. You can verify this by selecting "Analysis >> Studies" and looking at the list of studies added to that chart.

Given the above, we need to know what the exact problem is that you are having. If you have a single Study Collection that you believe is not working properly, then you can attach it to this thread and tell us what studies are part of it and what should be occurring when we add it to a chart.

Refer to the following regarding how to attach a file to a support thread:
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