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Date/Time: Wed, 27 Nov 2024 00:46:03 +0000

Post From: Sierra Chart, Bookmap... Data Feed.

[2023-10-11 17:35:50]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36309
The only way to get the "Exact Same Information" to both systems would be to use the Rithmic data. But even then, the way the data is sent to Sierra Chart from Rithmic is different from how it gets to Bookmap. The main difference is in how much historical data is available, but we would expect the real-time data to be the same.

This means that real data expect to be the same, but historical data, the one I can load years in time in sierra Chart, wouldn't be possible in Bookmap, isn't it? But at the end, talking about real time usage, as today for example, if I'm seeing and order of 50 contracts at 4100.25 at 9:30a.m in Bookmap, I will see the same price/time in a candlestick/footprint chart etc in Sierra?

We expect that any data accumulated in real-time (while connected to Rithmic) to be the same, the issue with historical data is with Sierra Chart. You can only get a few days of historical data with Rithmic in Sierra Chart - you would not be able to view years worth of data in Sierra Chart with the Rithmic data.

You may also have issues with multiple connections to Rithmic if you have both Sierra Chart and Bookmap connecting.

So this is directly a known issue? Of what kind? Not able to connect them at the same time?

It is something you would need to check on. Given how Rithmic connects to Sierra Chart and how it connects to Bookmap, we are not sure if there would be an issue or not. We have heard of some issues, but we are not certain exactly how they occur. It is something you need to look into in order to find out if connecting from both systems would work.

Given all of this, our recommendation would be to do the best you can, which would mean using our Denali Exchange Data Feed for Sierra Chart and using what you can for Bookmap and just accepting the differences as they are.

I don't have any problem to adopt any solution as long as I can achieve what I want. What would be that difference in that scenario, using Denali Exchange Data feed on Sierra Chart and Rithmic on Bookmap?

The only differences would be anything that would come up within the data itself. Where we certainly do not expect to see any major differences, there can be differences in the data. It is why we have developed our own connections to major exchanges and have our own data. We were having too many issues with third-party data that was being put on us.

We really recommend using our Denali Data for Sierra Chart and Rithmic (or whatever you choose) for Bookmap. This is the best way to ensure that your Sierra Chart experience is the best it can be.

What are the exchanges for which you are wanting data?
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing