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Date/Time: Thu, 19 Sep 2024 16:40:37 +0000

Post From: Position problems - Urgent

[2014-06-16 16:38:43]
eagle - Posts: 92
in general you cannot always rely upon accurate position data from TT FIX adapters
I have edited the SC Trade Activity records by changing the symbol name of the trade that the AMP Trade Desk made from hyphen-CME to hyphen-CBOT. Now, SC shows me being flat. I was not allowed to edit the record for "Synchronized Internal Position to current Service Position". I received an error message that "Buy/Sell must be set to valid value", even though <blank> is indeed a valid value for that record.

In other words, the problem is that SC is mixing up symbol names with the TTNet data connection. Whether or not TT Fix adapters supply reliable position data is irrelevant. When SC mixes up symbol names, as you're doing, it is incumbent on SC to code the software to recognize the symbol names "ZF-201409-CME" and "ZF-201409-CBOT" as being the exact same contract.

Also, when I initiate a trade in a SC TradeDOM and the TradeDOM shows me as being short 1 contract; then, two seconds later the position information in the TradeDOM just goes POOF and disappears; then, there's something wrong with your software, and no amount of trying to blame that on the characteristics of TT FIX adapters in general is going to hold water.

We will be reviewing this
I need instructions from SC concerning what I should do in order to be able to trade reliably with SC.

I spent hours this past weekend following your instructions from the 1145 Release Notes about changing symbol names to hyphen-CBOT. Now I can't do a Full Reset of Symbol Settings, and my trades are going POOF from the TradeDOM. POOF is not acceptable.