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Date/Time: Sun, 06 Oct 2024 12:23:30 +0000

Post From: Reset Signals after Trade Invalidation

[2023-10-04 16:33:51]
User347921 - Posts: 38
Thank you for taking the time.

My exit conditions in column L for Long are if the CLOSE crosses under the LOW of the Entry candle OR if the CLOSE crosses under the LOW of the previous candle (the opposite for Short).

Because of the "Buy on First Signal and Ignore Multiple Signals" and the absence of opposite Signal despite the previous candle high/low was crossed (Exit Condition), the persistent Signal stays in the same direction. If you look at the graph I shared in my original post, I've an entry Short at 15:41, then the next candle breaks the high of the entry candle = Exit, but until the 15:56 bar I don't have an opposite Signal (not all condition for a Long were met) and therefore the "Buy on First Signal and Ignore Multiple Signals" stays valid.

Basically, I need to find a solution which looks like if there was an opposite Signal without generating a trade to cancel the effect of "Buy on First Signal and Ignore Multiple Signals" when the trade has been closed. (Sorry if the message is confusing, not sure how to explain the issue in simpler words).

Thank you