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Date/Time: Tue, 11 Mar 2025 19:37:31 +0000

Post From: 1-click Volume Profile Customization?

[2014-06-13 18:06:10]
OneMoreTick - Posts: 79
I tried this without success. I saved a red volume profile as a single study collection called "VP red-". On a blue profile in another location on the chart, I selected it and then applied the "VP red-" study, but all that does is recreates the exact same red profile in the same location as the original one that was used to create the collection. It doesn't change the color of the blue one I had selected on the chart.

This actually makes sense the way that study collections are described. It mimics all the settings of the study, not just the color. Is there there another way to change just the profile color quickly? Or is there a way to have multiple defaults for different type of profile? So, if I want to make a red one, I select a DVP1 button and it makes red ones, if I select DVP2, it makes blue ones, etc.