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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:19:57 +0000

Post From: Questions on Service Packages/Data feeds and Orderbook/Orderflow

[2023-08-21 19:02:08]
Dxnny_mm - Posts: 3
Hello, I'm about to transition from delayed data to live to trade through edge clear/phillip capital as the broker. I'm a first time trader so not a professional. I'm going to be using Package 11 for Teton order routing, paying $46 for the services data etc. Is there an option to pay for the CME with market depth for non-professional trading accounts at $11.50 or will this automatically be charged to my account because I've set up with my broker as an individual and non-professional trader? Basically do I need to be worried about not paying the right amount and having a lack in services somewhere? As far as I understand it should be set up already when I stated to my broker in my application that's been set up and accepted.

Thank you and apologies for the bone questions.