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Date/Time: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 01:58:55 +0000

Post From: Quote spreadsheet in non-CLR version

[2014-06-09 09:37:08]
User11942 - Posts: 298
Thanks for the info.
When you open a Chartbook, the chart that last had the focus will get the focus.
That doesn't work in this way.
Sorry for confusing, I meant scrolling of a chartbook not charts (getting to a very beginning of a chartbook, e.g. to chart #1).
OK. Below is detailed description of my steps.
1.  Start SC, connect to trading service.
2.  Click File>>Chartbook21 (on the list of recent files). Get the chartbook open. The chartbook “focuses” on chart #11
3.  Go to chart #2 (beginning of the chartbook). Now chart #2 is active.
4.  Click File>>Save all. Click "Yes".
5.  Click File>>Close chartbook. SC asks to save, click “Yes”. The chartbook is closed.
6.  Click File>>Chartbook21. Get the chartbook open. Get chart #11 active on my screen instead of chart #2.

I have 11 charts in that particular chartbook. And that never happened in .NET version. Thanks.
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2014-06-09 09:42:36