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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:24:15 +0000

Post From: Can Sierra Chart Support be more...supportive??

[2023-08-14 11:50:41]
Ed Goppelt - Posts: 41
Sierra Chart's focus is developing fully our own solutions to the extent possible and not relying on others. We really cannot do a good job with Interactive Brokers.

If SC carries this principle to its logical conclusion, then I expect it will drop support for those data/trade routing firms which compete with its Teton/Denali services. So in addition to dropping IBKR, your statement implies there will be no more support for Rithmic or CQG data and trading.

Although we actually have been looking some more into to the issue you and some others have with the position not showing and we may have determined why that happens sometimes. This is definitely due to a problem on the Interactive Brokers side but we have a workaround that might help. We will try to have this released before morning and then you can test.

I don't care whose fault it is. If SC is unwilling to support those parts of its integration with IBKR upon which risk management rests, it is no longer a viable solution for me. I will have to find another solution. I would be a fool to continue to employ a software stack that silently cancels bracket orders at midnight.