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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:40:31 +0000

Post From: Can Sierra Chart Support be more...supportive??

[2023-08-13 17:08:33]
Ed Goppelt - Posts: 41
Dear fellow Interactive Brokers users of Sierra Chart:

Do you think Sierra Chart can do a better job of supporting its clients?

To date, I have brought perhaps half a dozen problems to the attention of SC Support and always the response has been "not our job." How do they know without first looking into these problems?

Statements on the SC web site suggest that Interactive Brokers software and data is terrible and that users are wasting SC's time by asking them to look into problems. Here's a representative snippet from their web page on IBKR:

Please do not blame Interactive Brokers problems on Sierra Chart or burden us with technical questions related to their problems or problems encountered when using them. Here is a recent thread, about problems you will encounter in our response. You have been warned!!
Source: Interactive Brokers Trading Service

Short of SC making their source code public, there's no way to know for sure if the above is accurate. It sounds a bit improbable, IMO.

OTOH, did you know that the well-regarded NinjaTrader software supports IBKR? Check out their support page for IBKR problems:


What strikes me reading through these interactions between NinjaTrader support and their Interactive Brokers clients is:

1. Ninja Support is unfailingly polite to their clients!!
2. Ninja Support seems to view investigating client problems as part of their job, rather than an unwelcome burden.
3. The NinjaTrader users seem happy with how well NinjaTrader software works with Interactive Brokers.

So, fellow SC Users, can Sierra Chart do a better job supporting you? If so, how?

Also, Sierra Chart Support, if I have been unfair in my criticism of the service you provide to me and many others, please let me know. I try to be as truthful and fair as I can be with my business partners, and I regard the Sierra Chart as one of my more important business partners as a trader.