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Date/Time: Fri, 22 Nov 2024 04:14:40 +0000

Post From: Native Support for Linux. Will This Ever Come?

[2023-07-31 18:39:44]
User753428 - Posts: 163
in this day and age, software companies like Sierra Chart are a dying breed. kudos to Sierra Chart for fighting the good fight.

there is so much corruption and bureaucratic red tape that infrastructure projects become a money sinkhole and housing doesn't get built, which has resulted in a reality where millenials on down are having to basically spend up to 70% of their paycheck just on rent and the remaining 30% goes to food + utilities. healthcare insurance industry is such a scam that most people are a major health scare away from becoming homeless or having to file bankruptcy, as demonstrated by the fact that the #1 cause of bankrupcy in the US is medical bills. but despite so much of the younger generation merely struggling to survive, the gov't, media companies, and bigtech all force-feed rage-bait wokeism down our throats so they can direct our attention away from what actually matters through that sweet sweet dopamine hit.

it's indentured servitute in modern-day form and with just the baby-boomer gen holding over half of all US assets, impending stagflation (due to an increasingly divergent supply-chain and tech stack as the West desperately attempts to bait China into a totally avoidable war to divert the populace from the problems at home), and AI looking to eat into the white-collar share of the pie, the only way to make it as a millenial on down is to either inherit from rich parents, be extremely talented, or make it through investing/trading/speculation; and this last part is wehre Sierra Chart plays a crucial role.

my only worry is what happens when the current person(s) running Sierrachart pass away or for whatever reason have to be replaced by a new cohort? ironically, by creating such great software, Sierrachart is making more and more people dependent on the Sierrachart software. my hope is whoever's running Sierrachart has the foresight to arrange successor plans beforehand to ensure that the libertarian ethos and spirit of the software remains in good hands down the line.