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Date/Time: Fri, 22 Nov 2024 04:08:06 +0000

Post From: Native Support for Linux. Will This Ever Come?

[2023-07-23 12:00:36]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 17143
The simple fact of it is that Sierra Chart using something like QT or some other framework would be very destructive to the program and also take a lot more time, than direct Linux integration. And it would create so many ongoing issues. When we say it would be destructive to Sierra Chart and the business, that is an absolute fact. This decision and recognition was made/determined many years (8+ or more) ago. It is nothing new. We would only be genuinely hurting the Sierra Chart user base and ourselves by attempting this.

Yes we understand, but let us explain why we made the comment that we did:
None the lest, let's leave politics out of this. The business of business is money. This is not a game of nice or wrong. This should not be a forum of politics, there are plenty of others...Let's focus on why we all subscribe.

There no longer is legitimate politics. We are dealing with pure evil in the world now and from government and big tech companies, the implementation of worldwide communism, the disempowerment of people and businesses, and enslavement of humanity. No one is going to save us other than our individual selves. And everyone raising awareness of these facts is *very* important.

When we recently made the decision to make a dedicated effort on the part of Sierra Chart to directly support Linux, this is directly related to the above because we must move away from platforms like Windows, which ultimately are going to be part of the New World order and dominating and controlling people. In other words they are an extension of government and their domination over people and their censorship. And moving onto platforms, which are open, and not part of that. At least we do not think Linux would be part of that.

We really do not know how long the direct integration to Linux will take. Probably longer than we are saying but we will do our best.

Not only is Microsoft Windows an unreliable platform, a deteriorating platform, a platform which is no longer serious, it is being used in ways in which people may or may not be aware of, as part of the domination and control of humanity by centralized powers. We have many big tech companies, both voluntarily and through coercion from government, working with governments and centralized powers to dominate and control humanity.

With the implementation of central-bank digital currencies, these are the ultimate enslavement which will control what we can and cannot buy. And cutting us off from society altogether, if we are not obedient, to the will of centralized powers.

And our message, is simply about decentralization, and transfer responsibility to individuals, free-market businesses, communities and cities. As populations grow, decentralization is essential.

Linux, relates to this. It is a much more decentralized operating system as compared to Microsoft Windows. It is also open source. Certainly it has its problems. We are well aware of those. That is why we have talked about creating our own operating system.
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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-07-23 12:12:54