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Date/Time: Sun, 08 Sep 2024 00:07:19 +0000

Post From: Sierra Chart Jobs: C++ Programming | Hardware Systems Admin | Web Services Dev | Documentation

[2023-07-16 19:01:41]
Sierra_Chart Engineering - Posts: 16292
Sierra Chart has some Job openings at this time:

C++ Developers:

- C++ developers. Assistant to the main engineer as well doing program code entry, code review, and systems administration.

We need someone who is experienced and knowledgeable with C++ and STL to help us with the development of the Sierra Chart project code base. There is a broad array of functionality we develop. We are not going to go into a whole lot of detail here. Instead we will look, at your Resume/CV and any other information you can provide.

We are also going to be doing some Linux development, so familiarity with Linux APIs, Is helpful but not required.

We are open to working, with a younger person who is fresh out of school or you are self-taught, or a more experienced C++ software engineer. Or a combination of people.

Areas of knowledge/experience:
Text-to-speech libraries
APIs/Libraries involving voice and video.
Low-level processing of exchange data feeds

None of the above is a requirement but if among people we hire, if someone has experience in one or more of these areas, it is helpful.

- A Documentation writer. Updating our documentation documenting new functionality and changes to functionality.

- Hardware systems administrator which would include set up and configuration, and monitoring and troubleshooting of servers. We use Dell servers. Running either Windows or Linux. So you need to be familiar with both Windows and Linux. You would not be working with physical hardware. Actual work with physical hardware is handled by other service providers but we would be interacting with those providers, instructing them on what to do. This also includes documenting each server regarding its configuration, and specifications, and access parameters.

- Experienced PHP and MySQL Web services developer to improve and simplify and maintain our existing code base in this area. We need someone who is a Linux systems expert, with system setup and configuration and maintenance.

If interested contact us through an account support ticket here:

There will be a rigorous review and decision-making regarding applicants. The decision-making may take a long time on our side and we may not find who we are looking for.

We are not interested in posting tthese jobs elsewhere, through common jobsites because looking at those sites they look woke and not trustworthy. We want someone who shares our values.

- Need to be native English speaker or fluent in English.

- Must not have had the covid vaccine.

- Quality workmanship. Quality workmanship, following specifications, and proper care to follow specifications and programming standards is absolutely essential. And continuous ongoing consultations with senior programmers and management is all essential.

- Not doing things your own way but as we specify.

- It is not necessary to have a degree in its being self-taught is sufficient.

- Must recognize, that the use of exceptions is unacceptable and not good programming.

- Need to follow instructions precisely, and not be doing things your own way but doing things as we specify. We know what we need and how to do it, we just need help to get various tasks done sooner rather than later.

- Need to be intelligent and a fast learner.

Sierra Chart is a serious business that recognizes, the evil in this world. And does not believe in the New World order and all of their related nonsense and absurdities, like their plandemics, false man-made climate change claims (which is another subject which we have written extensively on), world government, and endless wars with all of their associated deceptions to fool people as to the real causes.

The leadership of this business is very strongly independent, libertarian/ conservative and believes in strong independence, minding our own business, and not being part of collectivist organizations and governments to the extent we can avoid. Collectivism/Socialism/communism is the worst possible thing on this planet. It is through this way that freedom is lost. No, we are not stronger together. We are stronger, with a free market with everyone being who they can be as long as they are minding their own business. Just letting you know in case you have very opposite views because we probably will not work well together in this regard.
Sierra Chart Support - Engineering Level

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Date Time Of Last Edit: 2024-01-28 00:48:09