Support Board
Date/Time: Wed, 27 Nov 2024 23:44:49 +0000
Post From: GetStudyLineUntilFutureIntersection example
[2023-05-17 20:42:43] |
User133994 - Posts: 80 |
Support, Excellent program. I've seen a couple other posts on this...but no examples. I couldn't find any examples in the provided Studies.cpp files either. I am aware of the documentation on the website, however, accessing the "future" lines isn't intuitive as they aren't Subgraphs. sc.GetStudyLineUntilFutureIntersection() Please provide a simple example that uses GetStudyLineUntilFutureIntersection and highlights a bar that closes above/below one of these lines. Or, maybe a different example as I might not be thinking about it correctly. Yes, I'm aware of the PerformCloseCrossoverComparison option and I'm using it. I just can't find a way to notify a subgraph that an intersecting line is nearby or on the current bar? I suppose perhaps the best way to use this function is in a for loop that checks how "near" the 100+ future extended lines are to the current close? But how to call the function properly (which parameters are required) isn't clear (on each bar?). Goal: know when price is nearing a "cluster" of many of these lines (I don't expect anyone to code this up for my specific use case--I'll do that, if you can provide a working example.) Any examples at all would be helpful. Thanks |