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Date/Time: Thu, 28 Nov 2024 19:46:03 +0000

Post From: Denali feed was cancelled prematurely

[2023-04-10 19:41:31]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36350
The exchanges always renew on a calendar basis, so they renew on the first day of each month. This has always been the case, so you should not have received anything that stated that the data would renew with your Sierra Chart Package on the 14th of the month.

Your exchange(s) were deactivated on April 1, 2023 since you did not have enough funds in your account to pay for the renewal at that time.

Additionally, the exchanges are not pro-rated, and this is stated in multiple places. So whenever you activate the exchange within a month, you only get the data for the remainder of that month.

You will need to reactivate, and pay for, the exchange(s) for which you want the real-time data. You can do this at the following link:
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