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Date/Time: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 20:57:33 +0000

Post From: Time Zone and Evening Trading Session

[2023-03-24 23:50:49]
Tony - Posts: 485
Here is the pre-market and post-market background color on TradingView in Sierra Chart:
(For stocks traded on NYSE or NASDAQ, time zone on the chart can be anywhere)

When multiple studies are loaded, this one should be the first one, so it will stay at
very bottom (beneath other studies)

// The top of every source code file must include this line
#include "sierrachart.h"

// This line is required. Change the text within the quote
// marks to what you want to name your group of custom studies.

//This is the basic framework of a study function. Change the name 'TemplateFunction' to what you require.
SCSFExport scsf_PrePostBackground(SCStudyInterfaceRef sc)
  // Section 1 - Set the configuration variables and defaults
  if (sc.SetDefaults)
    sc.GraphName = "Pre and Post Market Background";

    sc.AutoLoop = 1; //Automatic looping is enabled.
    sc.DrawStudyUnderneathMainPriceGraph = 1;
    sc.GraphRegion = 0;
    sc.Subgraph[0].Name = "BackgroundTop";
    sc.Subgraph[0].DrawStyle = DRAWSTYLE_FILL_TOP;
    sc.Subgraph[0].PrimaryColor = RGB (255, 234, 204);
    sc.Subgraph[1].Name = "BackgroundBottom";
    sc.Subgraph[1].DrawStyle = DRAWSTYLE_FILL_BOTTOM;
    sc.Subgraph[1].PrimaryColor = RGB (211, 234, 253);
    sc.Input[0].Name = "Pre-Market Color";
    sc.Input[0].SetColor(255, 234, 204);
    sc.Input[1].Name = "After-Market Color";
    sc.Input[1].SetColor(211, 234, 253);
  // Section 2 - Do data processing here
  for (int IndexCount {sc.Index}; IndexCount>=sc.IndexOfFirstVisibleBar; IndexCount--) {
    sc.Subgraph[0][IndexCount] = 0;
    sc.Subgraph[1][IndexCount] = 0;

    int IndexInNewYorkTimeInSeconds {
    if (IndexInNewYorkTimeInSeconds>=(4*3600) && IndexInNewYorkTimeInSeconds<(9*3600+30*60)) {
      sc.Subgraph[0][IndexCount] = sc.YPixelCoordinateToGraphValue(0);
      sc.Subgraph[1][IndexCount] = sc.YPixelCoordinateToGraphValue(sc.ChartRegion1BottomCoordinate);
    } // pre-market goes from 4 am to 9:30 am ?
    if (IndexInNewYorkTimeInSeconds>=(16*3600) && IndexInNewYorkTimeInSeconds<=(20*3600)) {
      sc.Subgraph[0][IndexCount] = sc.YPixelCoordinateToGraphValue(sc.ChartRegion1BottomCoordinate);
      sc.Subgraph[1][IndexCount] = sc.YPixelCoordinateToGraphValue(0);
    } // post-market goes from 4 pm to 8 pm ?
    sc.Subgraph[0].DataColor[IndexCount] = sc.Input[0].GetColor();
    sc.Subgraph[1].DataColor[IndexCount] = sc.Input[1].GetColor();

Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-03-25 00:22:06