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Date/Time: Mon, 01 Jul 2024 20:57:16 +0000

Post From: Time Zone and Evening Trading Session

[2023-03-14 17:43:13]
Chris900 - Posts: 6

I have the following challenge.

I am in the Timezone CET+1 (Germany)

And I have NVDA from NASDAQ in my charts.

My trading session is defined from 9:30 to 16:00

In my time zone the US Market currently opens for me at 14:30 and normally at 15:30. (daylight saving switch from Europe)

My problem is now if it is passed 16:00 in my time zone, then I dont see the data anymore. Only if I switch on Evening/Trading Session.

Since the market opens usually for me at 15:30 (9:30 US Eastern Time). Then I only have 30mins data and then it is not displayed anymore only if I use the "Evening/Trading Session" feature.

Can you please describe to me how I need to setup the time zone, so that it is synced to the Market/Stock that I trade. In this case the US Market with NASDAQ. So that the "Evening/Trading Session" is really the time where the regular trading is stopped.

Thanks for your help