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Date/Time: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 05:51:41 +0000

Post From: How to

[2023-03-06 12:48:31]
Calculus - Posts: 97
This problem may be a Windows problem as I think I've encountered it before.

Basically, Windows seems to (sometimes) shut down Audio until there is an actual audio file playing, so when a Sierra Audio files is played, it can sort of take a few seconds for the actual sound to play on your headphones or speakers.

For example, you have a .Wav file where Sierra plays a verbal message of 'Alert A , Alert B, Alert C, Alert D'. So when that file is activated, you might only get the sound of "Alert C' or "Alert D" because as said above, when the .Wav file is first played Windows is busy firing up the ability for that audio alert to be heard.

This is why, if you're already listening to music or something like YouTube AND THE AUDIO ALERT ACTIVATES, you'll hear the "Alert A, Alert B" etc right from the beginning as your speakers are already on and working.

Therefore test it out, listen to music and then wait for the Sierra .WAV file to be activated, chances are you'll hear the full message. Then try it the other way, ie not listening to any sounds.