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Date/Time: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 08:38:10 +0000

Post From: merged TPO showing major differences compared to another platform (epx)

[2023-02-27 22:35:11]
whats1thingnow - Posts: 407
hi support,

hope this finds you well.

i actively follow a well-known and respected trader named FT71 and in his membership forum, there is a section dedicated to using sierra charts.

there is a big question regarding merged TPO profiles that we are not able to resolve and hope to get your help

this has happened on multiple occassions before, but the most recent merged profile in question is the 3 days of Feb 21st, 22nd, 23rd of 2023.

if you look at the attached image, merging the TPOs on FT71's platform (epx is left of image) when compared to sierra (right of image), we see a big difference: a big kurtosis on epx, but on sierra the shape is NO WHERE near the same

the data we are using is the exact same, as you can see by look at the top of the image where the unmerged profiles have the exact same shapes - the only difference i can see is the TPO point of control of the 1st unmerged day (but that's just a difference in TPO point of control calculation between the two platforms which is outlined here: Time Price Opportunity (TPO) Profile Charts: TPO Point of Control)

so... how can the two merged profile shapes be so different since we are using the same dates, same timeframe data (ES futures, daily chart, rth only from 9:30:00 EST to 15:59:59 without evening session)

thank you very much for any insights and advice!

(i can also post @FT71's youtube video link of where he talks about the merged TPO profiles on the epx platform - but didn't do it yet because wasn't sure if that's against the forum rules)
image20230227_TPO_unmerged_on_top_merged_on_bottom.png / V - Attached On 2023-02-27 22:31:19 UTC - Size: 173.69 KB - 98 views