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Post From: Fair Value Gap indicator
[2023-02-27 19:32:58] |
User573977 - Posts: 8 |
Hello everyone I am new here. This is the most used FVG script on TradingView. It is in the "Edito's Pick" list of TradingView. It is open source. Hope it helps! // This source code is subject to the terms of the Mozilla Public License 2.0 at // © spacemanbtc //@version=5 indicator("Fair Value Gap",shorttitle= "Fair Value Gap SpaceManBTC", overlay = true, max_boxes_count = 500, max_lines_count = 500, max_labels_count = 500) //Fair Value Gap //V1, 2022.4.12 //This indicator displays the fair value gap of the current timeframe AND an optional higher time frame. //What the script does is take into account the values of the current bar high/low and compare with 2 bars previous //The "gap" is generated from the lack of overlap between these bars //Bearish or Bullish gaps determined via whether the gap is above or below price, as they tend to be filled gaps can be used as targets. // ———————————————————— Inputs { // Standard practice declared input variables with i_ easier to identify i_tf = input.timeframe("D", "MTF Timeframe", group = "MTF Settings") i_mtf = input.string(defval = "Current TF",group = "MTF Settings", title = "MTF Options", options = ["Current TF", "Current + HTF", "HTF"]) i_tfos = = 10,title = "Offset", minval = 0, maxval = 500 ,group = "MTF Settings", inline = "OS") i_mtfos = = 20,title = "MTF Offset", minval = 0, maxval = 500 ,group = "MTF Settings", inline = "OS") i_fillByMid = input.bool(false, "MidPoint Fill",group = "General Settings", tooltip = "When enabled FVG is filled when midpoint is tested") i_deleteonfill = input.bool(true, "Delete Old On Fill",group = "General Settings") i_labeltf = input.bool(true,"Label FVG Timeframe",group = "General Settings") i_bullishfvgcolor = input.color(,90), "Bullish FVG", group = "Coloring", inline = "BLFVG") i_mtfbullishfvgcolor = input.color(,80), "MTF Bullish FVG", group = "Coloring", inline = "BLFVG") i_bearishfvgcolor = input.color(,90), "Bearish FVG", group = "Coloring", inline = "BRFVG") i_mtfbearishfvgcolor = input.color(,80), "MTF Bearish FVG", group = "Coloring", inline = "BRFVG") i_midPointColor = input.color(,85), "MidPoint Color", group = "Coloring") i_textColor = input.color(color.white, "Text Color", group = "Coloring") // } // ———————————————————— Global data { //Using current bar data for HTF highs and lows instead of security to prevent future leaking var htfH = open var htfL = open if close > htfH htfH:= close if close < htfL htfL := close //Security Data, used for HTF Bar Data reference sClose =, i_tf, close[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) sHighP2 =, i_tf, high[2], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) sLowP2 =, i_tf, low[2], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) sOpen =, i_tf, open[1], barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) sBar =, i_tf, bar_index, barmerge.gaps_off, barmerge.lookahead_on) // } //var keyword can be used to hold data in memory, with pinescript all data is lost including variables unless the var keyword is used to preserve this data var bullishgapholder = array.new_box(0) var bearishgapholder = array.new_box(0) var bullishmidholder = array.new_line(0) var bearishmidholder = array.new_line(0) var bullishlabelholder = array.new_label(0) var bearishlabelholder = array.new_label(0) var transparentcolor =,100) // ———————————————————— Functions { //function paramaters best declared with '_' this helps defer from variables in the function scope declaration and elsewhere e.g. close => _close f_gapCreation(_upperlimit,_lowerlimit,_midlimit,_bar,_boxholder,_midholder,_labelholder,_boxcolor,_mtfboxcolor, _htf)=> timeholder = str.tostring(i_tf) offset = i_mtfos boxbgcolor = _mtfboxcolor if _htf == false timeholder := str.tostring(timeframe.period) offset := i_tfos boxbgcolor := _boxcolor array.push(_boxholder,,_upperlimit,_bar+1,_lowerlimit,border_color=transparentcolor,bgcolor = boxbgcolor, extend = extend.right)) if i_fillByMid array.push(_midholder,,_midlimit,_bar+1,_midlimit,color = i_midPointColor, extend = extend.right)) if i_labeltf array.push(_labelholder, offset,_midlimit * 0.999, text = timeholder + " FVG", style =label.style_none, size = size.normal, textcolor = i_textColor)) //checks for gap between current candle and 2 previous candle e.g. low of current candle and high of the candle before last, this is the fair value gap. f_gapLogic(_close,_high,_highp2,_low,_lowp2,_open,_bar,_htf)=> if _open > _close if _high - _lowp2 < 0 upperlimit = _close - (_close - _lowp2 ) lowerlimit = _close - (_close-_high) midlimit = (upperlimit + lowerlimit) / 2 f_gapCreation(upperlimit,lowerlimit,midlimit,_bar,bullishgapholder,bullishmidholder,bullishlabelholder,i_bullishfvgcolor,i_mtfbullishfvgcolor,_htf) else if _low - _highp2 > 0 upperlimit = _close - (_close-_low) lowerlimit = _close- (_close - _highp2), midlimit = (upperlimit + lowerlimit) / 2 f_gapCreation(upperlimit,lowerlimit,midlimit,_bar,bearishgapholder,bearishmidholder,bearishlabelholder,i_bearishfvgcolor,i_mtfbearishfvgcolor,_htf) //Used to remove the gap from its relevant array as a result of it being filled. f_gapDeletion(_currentgap,_i,_boxholder,_midholder,_labelholder)=> array.remove(_boxholder,_i) if i_fillByMid currentmid=array.get(_midholder,_i) array.remove(_midholder,_i) if i_deleteonfill line.delete(currentmid) else line.set_extend(currentmid, extend.none) line.set_x2(currentmid,bar_index) if i_deleteonfill box.delete(_currentgap) else box.set_extend(_currentgap,extend.none) box.set_right(_currentgap,bar_index) if i_labeltf currentlabel=array.get(_labelholder,_i) array.remove(_labelholder,_i) if i_deleteonfill label.delete(currentlabel) //checks if gap has been filled either by 0.5 fill (i_fillByMid) or SHRINKS the gap to reflect the true value gap left. f_gapCheck(_high,_low)=> if array.size(bullishgapholder) > 0 for i = array.size(bullishgapholder)-1 to 0 currentgap = array.get(bullishgapholder,i) currenttop = box.get_top(currentgap) if i_fillByMid currentmid = array.get(bullishmidholder,i) currenttop := line.get_y1(currentmid) if _high >= currenttop f_gapDeletion(currentgap,i,bullishgapholder,bullishmidholder,bullishlabelholder) if _high > box.get_bottom(currentgap) and _high < box.get_top(currentgap) box.set_bottom(currentgap,_high) if array.size(bearishgapholder) > 0 for i = array.size(bearishgapholder)-1 to 0 currentgap = array.get(bearishgapholder,i) currentbottom = box.get_bottom(currentgap) if i_fillByMid currentmid = array.get(bearishmidholder,i) currentbottom := line.get_y1(currentmid) if _low <= currentbottom f_gapDeletion(currentgap,i,bearishgapholder,bearishmidholder,bearishlabelholder) if _low < box.get_top(currentgap) and _low > box.get_bottom(currentgap) box.set_top(currentgap,_low) // pine provided function to determine a new bar is_newbar(res) => t = time(res) not na(t) and (na(t[1]) or t > t[1]) if is_newbar(i_tf) htfH := open htfL := open // } // User Input, allow MTF data calculations if is_newbar(i_tf) and (i_mtf == "Current + HTF" or i_mtf == "HTF") f_gapLogic(sClose,htfH,sHighP2,htfL,sLowP2,sOpen,bar_index,true) // Use current Timeframe data to provide gap logic if (i_mtf == "Current + HTF" or i_mtf == "Current TF") f_gapLogic(close[1],high,high[2],low,low[2],open[1],bar_index,false) f_gapCheck(high,low) |