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Date/Time: Thu, 28 Nov 2024 19:59:50 +0000

Post From: Missing Market Depth Historical Graph At Certain Times

[2023-02-15 22:29:13]
John - SC Support - Posts: 36350
The first image (ESH23-CME[M] 100 Volume #8 2023-02-15 12_28_00.966.png) is showing something very interesting. The bar data is in the chart, but the MDHG is showing the information for "After Last Bar" within the data.

The only way we can think for this to occur is if your system had just downloaded historical data, which will be up to the current time. Since you are then on the Delayed Streaming Data, the current price information and market depth data is behind where the chart bars are located. It would then take 10 minutes for that data to "catch up".

But we really are not sure exactly what is occurring. Please make sure you have the system running for at least 10 minutes and see if your MDHG is at the end of your chart as it is supposed to be. If you are then missing some data for the MDHG, then try to redownload the missing data using the information we provided before.

Otherwise, if you are getting this kind of situation occurring frequently, where things are simply not lining up and you have not been disconnected at all, then let us know and we'll have to figure out where to go next.
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