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Date/Time: Fri, 29 Nov 2024 14:37:38 +0000

Post From: Alert on gap fill

[2023-02-07 00:51:58]
User166108 - Posts: 73
OK I have two studies on my chart:

1. Previous day's close
2. Today's open

I create a column on my intraday spreadsheet which says: if previous day's close <> today's open then the value of the cell is previous day's close.

I copy this down the column and sure enough, I get a list of all the gaps for the days in my sheet.

For the most part, price never opens right at the close anyway, it opens above or below and may or may not fill the gap at some point. So every row generally has an entry.

MOSTRECENTNONZEROVALUE will not make a difference then, since all values are non-zero.

Is the source code for SierraChartStudies_64.scsf_ExtendClosesUntilFutureIntersection available anywhere? I could just modify it for my own purposes, would probably be more reliable than a messy spreadsheet.

Edit: NVM, I found the source code for the function, I'll just modify that

Double edit: Source code doesn't help since source code for AddLineUntilFutureIntersection is hidden :-(
Date Time Of Last Edit: 2023-02-07 00:55:27