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Date/Time: Fri, 20 Sep 2024 00:11:20 +0000

Post From: Order Flow setting

[2014-05-14 17:09:32]
Dom7364 - Posts: 257
First, you setup your number bar with colours, Bid vl x ask, column 1 colouring method: Text on diagonal Dominant side. You can then adjust colours as you want. Second, you create another chart bok with a candle chart for the same intrument (not sure it has to be the same but anyway). THen you add the study : Price overlay to add to the chart that contains the number bars, and you choose the chart number corresponding to the candle chart you've created. You then set the region to 1 (same as number bar view), and check the option "draw study underneath main price graph).

This way you will have full candles, and you will see the figures above it. If you wznt candles to be hollow, just make you candle chart hollow, and then check "use colours from study": YES in the Price overlay settings.

I hope this makes sense. Pls note this is doing exactly the same as your inital chart, i.e, shows volume imbalances diagonally (the way a footprint chart should be read, bid/ask view).