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Date/Time: Wed, 03 Jul 2024 02:15:47 +0000

Post From: How to measure current Trade time Duration via simple alert formula?

[2023-01-12 16:44:59]
User61168 - Posts: 369
Thanks Tom. I appreciate the encouragement. I am ready to go live next week. Account has been opened with Ironbeam/Teton. So new broker, new order routing is already a significant change to go live with a strategy that I have not forwarded tested. Hence taking it a bit slow and easy until I gain some confidence. This is also my first exposure to running a automated strategy in the futures market so God knows what other obstacles I run into. Hence a bit anxious to see how this journey plays out.

I have developed over 100+ study collections over last 2+ yrs and have shortlisted about 8-9 strategies that have the potential to go live. They are all based on NQ NQ but learning yesterday that I can trade MNQ based on NQ chart, I could in essence go live with all my best performing algos running in parallel in each sub-account.

p.s. Also, the lack of SC support towards automated trading is another major consideration to progress slowly and cautiously.