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Date/Time: Fri, 28 Feb 2025 01:38:40 +0000

Post From: alert question

[2022-12-27 22:19:16]
John - SC Support - Posts: 38259
First, make sure the .wav files are in the 'AlertSounds' folder under the main Sierra Chart installation folder.

Second, within Sierra Chart go to Global Settings >> General Settings >> Alerts and select one of the files in the Alert Sound File Name and then select the Test Sound button right underneath the selection area. Make sure you can hear the alert through this method, as this is how Sierra Chart is going to play it. Refer to the information in this section:
General Settings Window: Sound File (Global Settings >> General Settings >> Alerts)

Then follow the rest of the information for setting up an alert with a specific sound at the following link:
General Settings Window: Configuring Alert Number Instructions

Once you have a specific Alert Number setup with your alert, then you can create the condition that will generate the alert. Since you are wanting to test against the previous day's high, you will need to get that information into the chart. Use the Daily OHLC study and set the Input for Reference Days Back to 1. You can hide this study if you want.

On the settings for the Daily OHLC study go to the Alerts tab and enter the following for the Alert Condition:
=C > SG2

This will test that the close of a bar (the last price) is greater than the High from the previous day. Set the Alert Number in that same section for the Alert Number you created above.

In general, refer to the following for Alerts:
Study/Chart Alerts And Scanning
For the most reliable, advanced, and zero cost futures order routing, use the Teton service:
Sierra Chart Teton Futures Order Routing